Guangdong Hershey Spring Manufacture CO., LTD. Welcome!

Manufactrer of precision spring custom-made

Military quality Fatigue resistance wire diameter range from 0.05-25mm




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Guangdong Hershey Spring Industrial Co.Ltd

Contact number:13825710052


Company address:No.1 Xingsheng Rd., Huangniupu, Huangjiang Town, Dongguan, Guangdong523762, China

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Do not look like spring knowledge!

Release time:2019-12-03 Clicks:816

【Abstract】:Spring is a kind of elastic element widely used in mechanical and electronic industries. When loaded, spring can produce large elastic deformation and convert mechanical work or kinetic energy into deformation energy. After unloading, the deformation of spring disappears and returns to its original state, and at the same time, the deformation energy is converted into mechanical work or kinetic energy.

  Spring is a kind of elastic element widely used in mechanical and electronic industries. When loaded, spring can produce large elastic deformation and convert mechanical work or kinetic energy into deformation energy. After unloading, the deformation of spring disappears and returns to its original state, and at the same time, the deformation energy is converted into mechanical work or kinetic energy. The ratio of load and deformation of spring is called spring rigidity. The greater the rigidity is, the harder the spring will be. Next, Dongguan walsai spring manufacturer will take you to learn about the spring!

  I. function of spring

  Cushioning and damping. For example, the shock absorption spring under the car and train body, the buffer spring of various buffers, etc;

  Control the movement of the mechanism. Such as valve spring in internal combustion engine, control spring in clutch, etc;

  Store and output energy. Such as clock spring, gun bolt spring, etc;

  Measure the force. Such as spring scale, spring in dynamometer, etc;


Last article: Extension Spring

Guangdong Hershey Spring Industrial Co.Ltd

Contact number 1:13825710052

Contact number 2:13556755321

Company telephone:(86)769-83624668/83633115/81009299-895

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Company address:No.1 Xingsheng Rd., Huangniupu, Huangjiang Town, Dongguan, Guangdong523762, China

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