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Guangdong Hershey Spring Industrial Co.Ltd

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How to clean stainless steel spring

Release time:2019-12-03 Clicks:776

【Abstract】:Stainless steel spring is a kind of elastic element which is required to be corrosion-resistant, temperature resistant and non-magnetic in many industries such as chemical machinery and electronics. Walsay spring summed up the following cleaning methods.

  Stainless steel spring is a kind of elastic element which is required to be corrosion-resistant, temperature resistant and non-magnetic in many industries such as chemical machinery and electronics. Walsay spring summed up the following cleaning methods:

  General notes for stainless steel spring:

  When washing, please pay attention not to scratch the surface and avoid using bleach composition, detergent containing abrasives, steel wire ball (brush roller ball), grinding tools, etc. in order to remove the detergent, at the end of washing, wash the surface with clean water.

  Surface state and washing method of stainless steel spring:

  Dust and easy to remove scale - wash with soap, weak detergent or warm water;

  Label and film - scrub with warm water and weak detergent;

  Binder composition - use alcohol or organic solution;

  Fat, oil, lubricating oil pollution - dry with soft cloth or paper and wash with neutral detergent or ammonia solution or special detergent;

Guangdong Hershey Spring Industrial Co.Ltd

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Company address:No.1 Xingsheng Rd., Huangniupu, Huangjiang Town, Dongguan, Guangdong523762, China

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