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Guangdong Hershey Spring Industrial Co.Ltd

Contact number:13825710052


Company address:No.1 Xingsheng Rd., Huangniupu, Huangjiang Town, Dongguan, Guangdong523762, China

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Why should spring be galvanized?

Release time:2019-12-03 Clicks:1440

【Abstract】:Why should spring be electroplated? What should be done after electroplate? What is the function of electroplate? I believe you have not found a proper answer after seeing these questions. The general people think that galvanizing is only for beauty, but you do not know that galvanizing has other functions besides beauty. Next, we will give a brief introduction of why spring should be galvanized!

  Why should spring be electroplated? What should be done after electroplate? What is the function of electroplate? I believe you have not found a proper answer after seeing these questions. The general people think that galvanizing is only for beauty, but you do not know that galvanizing has other functions besides beauty. Next, we will give a brief introduction of why spring should be galvanized!

  I. why is the spring galvanized?

  (1) passivation can improve the protective performance of the coating and increase the appearance of the surface.

  (2) the thickness of zinc and cadmium coating determines the protection ability. Generally, the thickness should be selected according to the working environment. The recommended thickness of galvanized layer is 6-24 / μ m; the recommended thickness of cadmium plating layer is 6-12 / μ M.

  (3) zinc plating and cadmium plating of spring are carried out in cyanide electrolyte. In the plating process, in addition to zinc plating or cadmium plating, some reduced hydrogen penetrates into the lattice of coating and base metal, causing stress, making the coating and spring on spring brittle, also known as hydrogen embrittlement.

Guangdong Hershey Spring Industrial Co.Ltd

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Company address:No.1 Xingsheng Rd., Huangniupu, Huangjiang Town, Dongguan, Guangdong523762, China

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