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Military quality Fatigue resistance wire diameter range from 0.05-25mm




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Guangdong Hershey Spring Industrial Co.Ltd

Contact number:13825710052


Company address:No.1 Xingsheng Rd., Huangniupu, Huangjiang Town, Dongguan, Guangdong523762, China

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What is the function of the spring in the car?

Release time:2019-12-03 Clicks:837

【Abstract】:Leaf spring is one of the most widely used elastic elements in automobile suspension. It is an approximate elastic beam of equal strength composed of several alloy spring sheets of equal width but unequal length (the thickness can be equal or not).

  Friends who have cars know that springs are indispensable in the suspension system of cars. What about springs in other parts of cars? What's the function?

  Leaf spring is one of the most widely used elastic elements in automobile suspension. It is an approximate elastic beam of equal strength composed of several alloy spring sheets of equal width but unequal length (the thickness can be equal or not). When the leaf spring is installed in the automobile suspension and the vertical load is in the positive direction, all the spring sheets are deformed and have the tendency of upward camber.

  At this time, the axle and the frame are close to each other. When the axle and the frame are away from each other, the positive vertical load and deformation of the leaf spring will gradually reduce, sometimes even reverse. The main lug is severely stressed, which is weak. In order to improve the stress of the main lug, the end of the second lug is often bent into the lug, which is wrapped outside the main lug, called the lug.

  In order to make it possible for each piece to slide relatively during elastic deformation, a large gap is left between the main piece rolling ear and the second piece wrapping ear. In some suspensions, the two ends of leaf spring are not made into rolling ears, but adopt other support connection methods, such as rubber support pad.

Guangdong Hershey Spring Industrial Co.Ltd

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Company address:No.1 Xingsheng Rd., Huangniupu, Huangjiang Town, Dongguan, Guangdong523762, China

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