Guangdong Hershey Spring Manufacture CO., LTD. Welcome!

Manufactrer of precision spring custom-made

Military quality Fatigue resistance wire diameter range from 0.05-25mm




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Guangdong Hershey Spring Industrial Co.Ltd

Contact number:13825710052


Company address:No.1 Xingsheng Rd., Huangniupu, Huangjiang Town, Dongguan, Guangdong523762, China

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How to improve the quality of precision spring?

Release time:2019-12-02 Clicks:825

【Abstract】:Precision spring is a necessary item in production and life. Now many enterprises are interested in the precision spring market and vigorously produce it. I believe many people will ask how to improve the quality of precision spring?

  Precision spring is a necessary item in production and life. Now many enterprises are interested in the precision spring market and vigorously produce it. I believe many people will ask how to improve the quality of precision spring? In fact, the factors that affect the production quality of precision spring can be roughly divided into: drawing process, production organization and equipment reasons. The following are the introduction of walsay spring.

  1. How to optimize the drawing process? When the number of equipment reels is under certain conditions, keep the total compression rate unchanged, reduce the partial compression rate appropriately, increase the drawing times appropriately, especially reduce the compression rate of the last part of the ground, which can change the state of stress distribution inside the steel wire, make the tensile strength drop continuously, the plasticity index rise, and the product qualification rate will be greatly increased Improvement.

  2. In the drawing process, the sliding friction between the spring steel wire and the drawing die may cause uneven deformation of the steel wire in the die hole, generate a lot of heat energy and increase the energy consumption. At this time, the drawing powder needs to be dry and have good fluidity. At the same time, the drawing powder needs to be frequently stirred during drawing, so as to prevent coking of the drawing powder.

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Guangdong Hershey Spring Industrial Co.Ltd

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Company address:No.1 Xingsheng Rd., Huangniupu, Huangjiang Town, Dongguan, Guangdong523762, China

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